The Honourable and Traditional Order of The Crown of Stuart

Founded 1932

The point of contact for the Order is via email to the Chancellor, who can be contacted at

Welcome to The Order of the Crown of Stuart. To avoid any confusion, we are emphatically not an order of chivalry and specifically make no claims to be regarded as such. The Order is in the nature of a private Confraternity which is dedicated to upholding the traditions of the Royal House of Stuart and was founded as a living memorial to them.

The Order was the final one of four organisations founded by the author and Royalist Henry Stuart Wheatley-Crowe, who had previously founded The Royal Martyr Church Union, The Memorial of Merit of King Charles the Martyr and the Royal Stuart Society. Nearly ninety years have now elapsed since the foundation of the Order, yet its aims and principles remain. With each year that passes and with the diminishing of true Monarchical ideals, it is ever more apparent that the Order of the Crown of Stuart continues to hold a necessary and real place in the royalist movement.

The Order owes its impetus to the fact that it is based not on transient and man‐made beliefs, nor on the specious dictates of expediency. Rather, it seeks to serve those truths which are eternal and, in an age of increasing doubt, seek to help implement the Christian monarchical dispensation.

For many years the Order has continued to lay its traditional wreath to mark the execution of King Charles I at his statue in Trafalgar Square on the 30th January.

Details of the initial events planned for 2023 can be found on the Events page.

Members are reminded to ensure that their email contact details are up to date.

Thomas FitzPatrick